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Worthing Museum - Threat of Closure

We were approached by the Worthing Society regarding the threat of closure to Worthing Museum, with the request to anyone who disagrees with possibly losing the museum to write to the CE at Worthing Borough Council expressing your disagreement. We reproduce The Worthing Society's letter to the Council below for your information.
Read more about the campaign to stop the closure of the Worthing Museum & Art Gallery http://www.artistsandmakers.com/index.php?topic=saveworthingmuseum.

BN12 4UZ

3rd January 2004

To:- The Chief Executive Worthing Borough Council


The Committee and Members of The Worthing Society strongly object to the possibility of closing Worthing Museum as part of a cost-cutting exercise.

This Museum holds many invaluable collections, including archeological artifacts (local and national); period costumes; works of art and photographs. It is also the custodian of items which have been bequeathed to it and any closure would be a betrayal of the people who provided such gifts.

The Museum staff have also done sterling work in staging many interesting and educational exhibitions.

The loss of this public amenity would not only be a very sad loss to researchers; the adult community in general and visitors to the town but, perhaps even more importantly, would be a major blow to the many schoolchildren of the area whose numerous school visits to the Museum have stimulated their interests in history and local studies and have provided an invaluable resource for their education.

We are also concerned at the proposed method of canvassing the opinion of a small percentage of the town’s population and fear that this may not reflect the wishes of the whole population, including our local teachers and schoolchildren.

On behalf of The Committee & Members of The Worthing Society
cc West Sussex Gazette
Worthing Herald
The Advertiser
The Guardian
Goring Residents Association
Ilex Conservation Group
Ferring Village Association
Local schools

  Read Ed Miller's response and the subsequent outcome

The Ferring Village Crest

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