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Ferring Village - West Sussex
c/o 7 Mulberry Close, Ferring, West Sussex, BN12 5HY
Tel: 01903 709221, Fax: 01903 500364
Email: [email protected]
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The Missing Church at Kingston Gorse

Ferring ... 
according to the 1991 census

Erosion of the coast line has always been a problem. Off Kingston Gorse at East Preston, just level with the house with a green roof, and seen at very low tide, are some rocks. Why there should be rocks there no one knows. But the archaeologists have said that they are nothing to do with the church that once stood in the area which is now beach, dismantled about 1640 and the stones used to build the new Ferring Church a long way inland.  Population - 3,904
Males 42% 
Females 58%
0-15 ... 9%
16-29 ... 9%
30-44 ... 11%
45-P (pensionable age) ... 20%
P ... 51%

Households - 2,089 
Owner occupied  - 94%
1.9 persons per household

Economically Active:
Males - 48% 
Females - 26%

Number of cars - 2,221
1 car households - 1,149
2 car households - 407
3+ car households - 86
Cars per head of thousand population - 569 
(UK = 461)
  The old church had been under threat for some years, but the Great Storm of 27th November 1703 destroyed the whole village, as well as a number of others along the coast, and washed away the Eddystone Lighthouse. It was this same storm where a number of capital ships of the Royal Navy were driven onto the Goodwin Sands, and sucked down into the quicksand with tremendous loss of life.

Courtesy of www.waller.co.uk
Designer and Administrator of the Goring-by-Sea Website

Ferring has the most Vintage Austin 7's cars in a square mile than in any other Sussex Village!  http://www.austinsevenownersclub.com

The Ferring Village Crest

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Copyright © 2000 Ferring Village, Last modified: August 10, 2003

IT Designers, web designer of the Ferring Website

Website by Jennifer Muller, www.itdesigners.com
Tel: 01903 709221, w

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