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c/o 7 Mulberry Close, Ferring, West Sussex, BN12 5HY
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A poem by Charlotte McDonald, aged 9, from Ferring, West Sussex
(The poem was taken from the BBC Southern Counties website:

Early one morning when I had just turned three,
My mother took me for a sunrise walk by the sea.
Still sleepy and confused by her act
It was difficult to get myself up and packed
But when we reached the beach I saw
The most magical of mysteries wrapped up in the dawn All the beautiful colours of the sun,
The sky so huge, like a blanket
made it very exciting and fun.

Fishing boat
A fishing boat came sailing past

And the reassuring sound of the waves
Sent me in a dreaming daze.
And just when I thought no one was by the sea,
A little fishing boat came sailing past me.
Now the daylight had warmed the air
My mother took my hand and I looked round to stare
At the dogs that started to fill the scene
Busy sniffing, rolling and running so keen
It was time to leave but ever since then
We still go for a dawn walk every now and again.
And when I come back with rosy cheeks on my face,
I think, Isn't Ferring just a wonderful place!



The Ferring Village Crest

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Copyright © 2000 Ferring Village, Last modified: August 10, 2003

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