UPDATE mid September 2002
By Ed Miller (Chairman, Ferring Conservation Group)
Ferring continues to be assailed by
developers, and the conservationists are having mixed fortunes. We have, as
noted before, secured the framework of Ferring the gaps between us and
Goring and us and East Preston are firmly written into District and County
Plans and are backed up by Government policy and Planning Inspectors
reports; Highdown is to be part of the National Park and the fields below it
are designated as agricultural land; and Pattersons Walk and the beach are
not under any threat. Within the village it is a different matter.
Two infilling applications have been
approved in the last few months: four houses for one in Langbury Lane, two
for one at Owls Nest cottage in Ferrringham Lane. One has been refused
the proposed cottage on a tiny piece of land in Malcolm Close. Two others
are awaiting decisions- the proposed flats to be built over the Indian
Restaurant and the Butchers shop in Ferringham Lane, and the very
significant nine for two application in Sea Lane Gardens. This latter
application was heading for a refusal from Arun District Council but such is
the flood of applications (not just in Ferring) that the Council did not
make a decision within the normal time limit and the developers went
straight to the Planning Inspectors. They are not expected to deal with it
until the end of the year. It is expected that the Planning Inspector will
refuse it.
The application for the flats above the
shops is rather less controversial. Obviously, there is no increase in
ground occupied, and there is something to be said for tidying up the roof
line and matching the flats above the other shops. Ferring Conservation
Group did not object to the principle but there are a number of problems
about car parking, tree preservation and the effect of the building work on
the shops and the amenity area in front of them. Any approval here must
have appropriate conditions attached to it.
One of our biggest defeats in the last
few years has been the approval of outline permission for three bungalows to
go in what was the Tudor Close car park, and the loss of the hedge and lawn
in front of the pub/restaurant. No bungalows can be built until the detailed
plans have been submitted but the building site is already being prepared
and the new car park laid out. What a shame to see the old hedge being
ripped up on 19 September, to make way for cars! Shame on Arun Council for
approving a development which was opposed by the Parish Council and just
about everyone who sent in comments. Had they waited a few days longer they
would have seen that the Planning Inspector shared many of the objectors
And if you are wondering what has
happened to the Giant Windmill proposed for the field below Highdown, the
answer is that the planning application is still live but the file says
the Council is still waiting for an Environmental Statement from the
developer, now several months overdue. Can it be that the developers have
given up on the idea? The file shows several dozen letters of objection (and
a handful in favour).
Final message: please do not leave it
to the Conservation Group, or other individuals to make your protest for
you. If you too feel strongly about preserving Ferring, look out for those
orange notices, and those adverts in the West Sussex Gazette listing the
latest planning applications, and write to the Head of Planning Services
about it. Your protest counts, because he has to count the protests.