Baptist Church, Ferring
The aim of the Church is to worship God and help
people experience His love and salvation by knowing Jesus. About 100 people are
involved with the church, mostly Ferring residents. A good friendship is enjoyed with St. Andrew's Church who were
very supportive of our foundation in 1968. The building was completed in 1973.
The designer the square is taken from the Baptist Union logo,
the color and materials being planned by Edna Parson who worked the square. |
Barn Surgery
The Barn was a dairy until 1925 when it became a dwelling house. The
building was converted into a doctors' surgery in June 1987.
The nameplate was designed and made for the doctors by Sidney
Liversidge who was one of their patients. |
Bolivia Link (now retitled Youth
Link 2000).
The group was formed in 1999 by all the youth groups in the village (Beavers,
Cubs, Sea Scouts, Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Ferring School, St. Andrew's
Church, Baptist Church and Ferring Rifers Youth Club). Its aim then was to
support a
school in Bolivia but has now changed to helping others and supporting the local
children's hospice (Chestnut
Tree House), at least for the year 2000.
The tapestry square was designed by Emily Lumley and worked by Mike
Cooper. |
Bridge Club
Started in 1973 by a small group of enthusiastic bridge
players, the club now has 68 members.
The tapestry square was designed by Margaret Page.
Brownies - Ferring Branch |