Contact: Mrs Pat Attree, 3 Sea Lane Close, Ferring, BN12 5DT. Tel: 01903 245973.

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FADS was formed in April 1931 and is celebrating its 70th anniversary in April 2001 - it is one of the oldest dramatic societies in West Sussex and has won several awards in the County, Arun, Brighton and Worthing drama festivals.  Three full-length plays are performed in Ferring Village Hall every year..


Wednesday, 23rd June to Saturday, 26th June,
Ferring Village Hall


8.00 p.m. in the evenings

Matinee at 2.30 p.m.

Ferring Village Hall

by Alan Ayckbourn
Directed by Audrey Hopwood

An immensely funny comedy written by Alan Aychbourn.

Greg and Ginny are living together, but Greg is becoming somewhat suspicious that he is not the only man in Ginny's life.

When Ginny visits her parents, Greg decides to follow her. This leads to mistaken identities and hilarious consequences.

Tickets will be on sale at Ferring Library from 14th to 20th June, between 10 and 12 daily, except Thursdays, by personal application only.  Please do not telephone the library. You can telephone on 01903 245973 between 2 and 5 daily.


The Ferring Village Crest

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